Results for 'Jerome Francis Wilkerson'

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    Contemporary studies in aesthetics.Francis Xavier Jerome Coleman - 1968 - New York,: McGraw-Hill.
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    Convergent behavioral and neuropsychological evidence for a distinction between identification and production forms of repetition priming.John De Gabrieli, Chandan J. Vaidya, Maria Stone, Wendy S. Francis, Sharon L. Thompson-Schill, Debra A. Fleischman, Jared R. Tinklenberg, Jerome A. Yesavage & Robert S. Wilson - 1999 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 128 (4):479.
  3. If this is the Book of Life, we should not settle for a rough draft over the long term but should remain committed to producing a final, highly accurate version.—Francis S. Collins," Shattuck Lecture: Medical and Societal Consequences of the Human Genome Project" So this book... maps its particular investigations along the double helix of a work's reception history and its production history. But the work of knowing demands that the map be followed into the textual field. [REVIEW]Jerome J. McGann - 1997 - In Lennard J. Davis (ed.), The Disability Studies Reader. Psychology Press. pp. 67.
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    On Formal and Universal Unity. . By Francis Suarez. Translated from the Latin with Introduction by J. F. Ross. Milwaukee, Marquette University Press, 1964. p. 123. Paper $3.50. [REVIEW]Jerome V. Brown - 1966 - Dialogue 5 (1):104-106.
  5. William of Auvergne, The Trinity, or the First Principle. Trans. Francis C. Wade, SJ and Roland J. Teske, SJ Reviewed by. [REVIEW]Jerome V. Brown - 1990 - Philosophy in Review 10 (7):297-299.
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    Dialectic.Mortimer Jerome Adler - 1927 - London, England: Routledge.
    First published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    De Virginitate N. Adkin: Jerome on Virginity. A Commentary on the Libellus de virginitate servanda (Letter 22) . (ARCA Classical and Medieval Texts, Papers and Monographs 42.) Pp. xxxvi + 458. Cambridge: Francis Cairns, 2003. Cased, £75, US$120. ISBN: 0-905205-38-. [REVIEW]Andrew Cain - 2005 - The Classical Review 55 (01):158-.
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    Lydie Bodiou, Véronique Mehl, Jacques Oulhen, Francis Prost et Jérôme Wilgaux (dir.) Chemin faisant. Mythes, cultes et société en Grèce ancienne. Mélanges en l'honneur de Pierre Brulé. [REVIEW]Charles Delattre - 2013 - Clio 38:302-302.
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    Batalia o instrukcję przekładową Liturgiam Authenticam.Jerzy Brzozowski - 2021 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 26 (1):119-138.
    In 2017, Pope Francis appointed a commission to investigate the continued suitability of the Liturgiam Authenticam Instruction, approved by John Paul II, on the rules of translating liturgical texts. This article shows the genesis of this event, not necessarily the one which is marking the next stage of a “dewojtylization” of the Church, as conservative Vatican commentators would have it. The main reason for the establishment of this commission is the controversy over the two translations into English: the official (...)
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  10. Identity: The Demand for Dignity and the Political of Resentment.Francis Fukuyama - 2018
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  11. Property rights of personal data and the financing of pensions.Francis Cheneval - 2021 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 24 (2):253-275.
    Property rights of personal data have been advocated for some time. From the perspective of economics of law some argued that they could lower transaction costs for contracts involving personal data. This may be the case, but new transaction costs are introduced by propertization and the issue has not been settled. In this paper, I focus on a different and potentially more important aspect. In the actual situation, data collectors externalize costs and internalize benefits. An ownership regime that enables every (...)
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    Preaching on the revised common lectionary for the feast of Christ the King: Joy for intuitive thinking types, nightmare for sensing feeling types?Leslie J. Francis, Greg Smith & Jonathan Evans - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):11.
    This qualitative study was positioned within an emerging scientific field concerned with the interaction between biblical text and the psychological profile of the preacher. The theoretical framework was provided by the sensing, intuition, feeling and thinking (SIFT) approach to biblical hermeneutics, an approach rooted in reader-perspective hermeneutical theory and in Jungian psychological type theory that explores the distinctive readings of sensing perception and intuitive perception, and the distinctive readings of thinking evaluation and feeling evaluation. The empirical methodology was provided by (...)
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  13. The new organon.Francis Bacon - 2000 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Lisa Jardine & Michael Silverthorne.
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    Charles Peirce's theory of scientific method.Francis Eagan Reilly - 1970 - New York,: Fordham University Press.
    This book is an attempt to understand a significant part of the complex thought of Charles Sanders Peirce, especially in those areas which interested him most: scientific method and related philosophical questions. It is organized primarily from Peirce's own writings, taking chronological settings into account where appropriate, and pointing out the close connections of several major themes in Peirce's work which show the rich diversity of his thought and its systematic unity. Following an introductory sketch of Peirce the thinking and (...)
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    Managing corporate ethics: learning from America's ethical companies how to supercharge business performance.Francis Joseph Aguilar - 1994 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Managers often ask why their firm should have an ethics program, especially if no one has complained about unethical behavior. The pursuit of business ethics can cost money, they say. It can lose sales to less scrupulous competitors and can drain management time and energy. But as Harvard business professor Francis Aguilar points out, ethics scandals (such as over Beech-Nut's erzatz "apple juice" or Sears's padded car repair bills) can severely damage a firm, with punishing legal penalties, bad publicity, (...)
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    Alcman: The Partheneion.Francis R. Walton & Denys L. Page - 1953 - American Journal of Philology 74 (4):446.
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    Morals, Motivation, and Convention: Hume's Influential Doctrines.Francis Snare - 1991 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This 1991 book is about the continuing influence of Hume's ideas on moral and political philosophy. In part, it is a critical exegesis of Hume's most impressive and challenging doctrines in Book III of the Treatise of Human Nature on such topics as morals, motivation, justice, and social institutions. However, the main thrust of the argument is to throw into relief the importance of that discussion for contemporary philosophy. While the author subjects most contemporary defences of Humean doctrines to intense (...)
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    The contribution of cathedrals to psychological health and well-being: Assessing the impact of Cathedral Carol Services.Leslie J. Francis, Susan H. Jones & Ursula McKenna - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):8.
    This study was designed to test the hypothesis that events such as the Christmas Eve Carol Services at Liverpool Cathedral that include some regular churchgoers (people who attend services most weeks) and much larger numbers of occasional visitors (who may attend church only once or twice a year) make a significant impact on the psychological health and well-being of the participants. Using a repeat-measure design, participants were invited to complete a copy of the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire while they were waiting (...)
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    Keyguide to information sources in business ethics.Francis P. McHugh - 1988 - New York: Nichols.
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    The divine politics of Thomas Hobbes.Francis Campbell Hood - 1964 - Oxford,: Clarendon Press.
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    Supported Decision-making: The CRPD, Non-Discrimination, and Strategies for Recognizing Persons’ Choices About their Good.Leslie Francis - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy of Disability 1:57-77.
    People with cognitive impairments often have difficulties formulating, understanding, or articulating decisions that others judge reasonable. The frequent response shifts decision-making authority to substitutes through advance directives of the person or guardianship orders from a court. The Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities defends supported decision-making as an alternative to such forms of supplanted decision-making. But supported decision-making raises both metaphysical questions—what is required for a decision to be the person’s own?—and epistemological questions: how do we know what (...)
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    Slave to the Rhythm: The Problem of Creative Pedagogy and the Teaching of Creativity.Francis Russell - 2015 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 9 (3):337-355.
    Since the mid-twentieth century the concepts ‘creativity’ and ‘innovation’ have become increasingly significant within a host of fields, such as education, medicine, engineering, technology and science. Moreover, such terms appear to have become ubiquitous, if not hegemonic, within the contemporary discourses that inform debates that surround the allocation and cultivation of the social capital that is native to education, both tertiary and otherwise. Given that the thinking of creativity appears increasingly to be possible only within the contemporary logics of utility (...)
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    Another Argument Against Vague Objects.Francis Jeffry Pelletier - 1989 - Journal of Philosophy 86 (9):481.
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    Walter Chatton Vs. Aureoli and Ockham Regarding the Universal Concept.Francis E. Kelley - 1981 - Franciscan Studies 41 (1):222-249.
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    The Education of Feeling and Emotion.Francis Dunlop - 1986 - British Journal of Educational Studies 34 (1):97-101.
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    The Defence of Necessity.Jerome E. Bickenbach - 1983 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 13 (1):79-100.
    The defence of necessity has had a long, though confused, legal career. Like self-defence, consent, duress, insanity and mistake of law, necessity is rooted in moral intuitions about when conduct which causes harm to another's person or property is not wrong, or should be tolerated, permitted or praised. If a man is literally starving to death and steals a loaf of bread, we are reluctant to say that his extreme circumstances should make no difference at all to the way we (...)
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    New Organon, or True Directions Concerning the Interpretation of Nature.Francis Bacon - 1620 - Oxford, England: Clarendon Press.
    Book one consists of Bacon's scathing attack on current philosophy and on the scientific method. He attacks the syllogistic method, and the various idols that prevent men from investigating Nature in a reasonable way. The lack of attention paid to natural philosophy and the excessive reverence for ancient authors are key reasons why man's knowledge of nature has progressed so slowly. Book Two is a detailed explanation of Bacon's method, using various examples. It begins by creating tables of the various (...)
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    Stoicism on the Best Regime.Francis Edward Devine - 1970 - Journal of the History of Ideas 31 (3):323.
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    Lyotard et les arts.Françoise Coblence & Michel Enaudeau (eds.) - 2014 - Paris: Klincksieck.
    Aucune discussion d'ensemble des ecrits de Lyotard sur l'art n'avait ete entreprise. Or sa reflexion sur les arts - musique, cinema, peinture surtout - est une part essentielle de son oeuvre, comme en temoignent les analyses proposees dans Discours, figure, Que peindre?, Moralites postmodernes, L'Inhumain et Les Ecrits sur l'art contemporain et les artistes. Moins remarque pourtant est le fait que Lyotard a collabore avec des peintres (Monory, Guiffrey, Adami, Sam Francis, Appel, Buren, etc). Il a ete commissaire d'une (...)
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    Comment on Competition for Consciousness Among Visual Events: The Psychophysics of Reentrant Visual Processes (di lollo, Enns & Rensink, 2000).Gregory Francis & Frouke Hermens - 2002 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 131 (4):590-593.
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    Gresham College: Precursor of the Royal Society.Francis R. Johnson - 1940 - Journal of the History of Ideas 1 (1/4):413.
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    Sameness and referential opacity in Aristotle.Francis Jeffry Pelletier - 1979 - Noûs 13 (3):283-311.
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    Danto and His Critics.Francis Sparshott - 1994 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 52 (4):482-483.
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    Much Ado about Nothing?Francis X. Clooney - 2021 - The Owl of Minerva 52 (1):51-71.
    This essay carefully examines the debate between Hegel and Wilhelm von Humboldt about the meaning of the Bhagavad Gîtâ, and more specifically about several verses in Gîtâ 6 regarding the radical emptying and purification of the mind. My aim is to propose a new and wider conversation, not possible in Hegel’s time but necessary in ours, between European scholars and peer Indian intellectuals in traditions familiar with the Gîtâ for centuries before any European knew of it at all. To exemplify (...)
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    La pensée sur les deux infinis.Francis Kaplan - 2009 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 93 (1):13-22.
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  36. Smith, Derrida, and Amos.Francis Landy - 2008 - In Jonathan Z. Smith, Willi Braun & Russell T. McCutcheon (eds.), Introducing religion: essays in honor of Jonathan Z. Smith. Oakville: Equinox. pp. 208.
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    The Trials of a Translator.Francis P. LeBuffe - 1950 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 25 (1):179-180.
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  38. Roberta Kevelson Department of Philosophy The Pennsylvania State University Reading, PA 19608.Francis Lieber - forthcoming - Semiotics.
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    A Theory on Abstraction in St. Thomas.Francis A. Cunningham - 1958 - Modern Schoolman 35 (4):249-270.
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    De « On Denoting » de Β. Russell à « On Referring » de P.F. Strawson. L'avenir d'un paradigme.Francis Jacques - 1990 - Hermes 7:91.
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    Fair Governance: Paternalism and Perfectionism.Francis H. Buckley - 2009 - Oup Usa.
    Fair Governance: The Enforcement of Morals is a study of legal interference with individual preferences and will canvass the interdisciplinary literature in economics, psychology, philosophy, and law. It discusses the particular conditions necessary for the state to legally interfere with our freedom of choice, whether it be to either satisfy our individual pursuit of happiness or to prevent us from making immoral choices. Relatively few philosophers know much of the parallel literature on this central problem of ethics; while many legal (...)
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    How to Be a Friendly Skeptical Theist.Francis Jonbäck - 2012 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 17 (2):197-210.
    In this paper Skeptical Theism is described, applied and defended. Furthermore, William Rowe’s position of Friendly Atheism is described and a version of Friendly Theism suggested. It is shown that Skeptical Theism can be defended against two common arguments and that skeptical theists might be able to adopt the position of Friendly Theism.
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  43. By the Way.Francis J. McConnell - 1952
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    On the Future: Prospects for Humanity: by Martin Rees, Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press, 2018, viii + 256 pp., $18.95/£14.99.Francis D. Raška - 2021 - The European Legacy 26 (7-8):867-868.
    Martin Rees is a renowned astronomer who has written a number of thought-provoking books. On the Future tackles the question of humanity’s future and the challenges facing it. Unlike many other aut...
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  45. Agape, Eros, Gender: Towards a Pauline Sexual Ethic.Francis Watson - 2000
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  46. (1 other version)Integrated Information Theory, Searle, and the Arbitrariness Question.Francis Fallon - 2018 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology:1-17.
    Integrated Information Theory posits a new kind of information, which, given certain constraints, constitutes consciousness. Searle objects to IIT because its appeal to information relies on observer-relative features. This misses the point that IIT’s notion of integrated information is intrinsic, the opposite of observer-relative. Moreover, Searle overlooks the possibility that IIT could be embraced as an extension of his theory. While he insists that causal powers of the brain account for consciousness, he maintains that these causal powers aren’t tied to (...)
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    Making Every “Point” Count: Identifying the Key Determinants of Team Success in Elite Men’s Wheelchair Basketball.John Francis, Alun Owen & Derek M. Peters - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The Philosophical Hassagot of Rabad on Maimonides’ Mishneh Torah.Jerome Gellman - 1984 - New Scholasticism 58 (2):145-169.
  49. A Physicist's Thoughts on the Formal Structure and Psychological Motivation of Theory and Observation.Jérome Rothstein - 1957 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 11 (2):211.
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  50. Bacon's Essays.Francis Bacon & Richard Whately - 1857 - John W. Parker.
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